Personal & Professional Wellbeing

How can psychedelics help you cultivate presence, regulate your emotions, and become a better leader?

Let’s work together to create a plan customized for you, orienting your psychedelic integration towards better leadership, easier access to flow states, and an improvement in your overall well-being.

Personal & Professional Wellbeing

How can psychedelics help you cultivate presence, regulate your emotions, and become a better leader?

Let’s work together to create a plan customized for you, orienting your psychedelic integration towards better leadership, easier access to flow states, and an improvement in your overall well-being.

The Process


First, we evaluate why you’re interested in psychedelics and if these are viable tools for your personal path. As part of this process, I will also assess your expectations for change, including an analysis of other work you’ve done so far to cultivate self-reflection and self-awareness.


If we agree that intentional psychedelic use is a valuable tool for your specific purpose, then you will complete questionnaires to determine your specific objectives in going through my coaching program.


Cultivating intention before working with psychedelics is critical to success. In this part, I will walk you through a process to get absolute clarity on what you want to achieve through your psychedelic protocol. Further, we will determine how to ‘calibrate’ your dose level to an appropriate amount for your specific purposes. Preparation will include logistical details like the amount to take, how often to take it, and how we determine success or failure for your microdosing protocol.

Psychedelic Protocol

We’re doing it! Once you begin to utilize psychedelics, we will work close together to ensure your overall experience goes well. This will include how to combine complementary practices with psychedelics, how to calibrate your dose appropriately, and how to track and measure whether your protocol is successful or not.


Clarifying intention and embracing the experience are critical components of your journey. However, 80% of the effectiveness comes from your work with integration. In other words, once you finish working with psychedelics, what comes next? How do you integrate the lessons learned during your experience so they ‘stick’ in the long-term? In this phase, we will orient your newfound insight and awareness towards leadership, productivity, and an improvement in overall well-being.


Deeper sense of alignment between your personal purpose and mission and the contribution you’re making to the world (aka your ‘work’)
Once aligned, presence will be easy to cultivate in your leadership practice, giving you an enhanced ability to stay calm and regulated in the face of chaos and challenge. After we complete our coaching program, you will carry this knowledge with you, making it easy to carve out your own journey and path with plant medicine moving forward.
Because of this improved alignment, you will be more motivated, have easier access to flow states, and a general increase in overall well-being


I’ve recently started listening to his amazing podcast! I get new perspectives on concepts and principles allowing me to see and understand myself, others, and the world in a whole new way. Every episode leaves me feeling so happy, warm and at ease. Can’t wait for more!
David Schek
David Schek
Podcast Listener
Alex's Alchemist Lounge is a great source of smart and unvarnished advice! He is a fantastic host with a wealth of experience and great stories to share! I learn new things every time I listen to his podcast.
Podcast Listener
Alex is an amazing speaker. I notice his ability to connect with his audience several years ago while speaking to a group of adults with major barriers to employment... He joined our group with his “I Can Do” theory (Investigate, Currently, Aim, Number, Date, Outcome), and inspired this small group of women to “Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan”. We truly appreciate Alex taking the time to motivate and inspire our JumpStart 2 Success participants.
Washington Literacy Center


I’ve recently started listening to his amazing podcast! I get new perspectives on concepts and principles allowing me to see and understand myself, others, and the world in a whole new way. Every episode leaves me feeling so happy, warm and at ease. Can’t wait for more!
David Schek
David Schek
Podcast Listener
Alex's Alchemist Lounge is a great source of smart and unvarnished advice! He is a fantastic host with a wealth of experience and great stories to share! I learn new things every time I listen to his podcast.
Podcast Listener
Alex is an amazing speaker. I notice his ability to connect with his audience several years ago while speaking to a group of adults with major barriers to employment... He joined our group with his “I Can Do” theory (Investigate, Currently, Aim, Number, Date, Outcome), and inspired this small group of women to “Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan”. We truly appreciate Alex taking the time to motivate and inspire our JumpStart 2 Success participants.
Washington Literacy Center

Alex has been featured in

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Work with Me

Are you interested in utilizing psychedelics as a tool for personal transformation? Let’s work together to customize an ideal psychedelic protocol, orienting this powerful method towards better leadership, easier access to flow states, and an improvement in overall well-being.

Microdose Consultation


  • Microdosing introduction and personal intake
  • How to get started with microdosing
  • Complete guidance with your microdosing schedule
  • Identify and break through self limiting beliefs
  • Phone, video call or face-to-face meeting

Performance Consultation


  • Meditation
  • Personal goal analysis
  • Identify and break through self limiting beliefs
  • At least one action to take towards achieving your goal(s)

Group Session


  • Meditation
  • Team goal analysis
  • At least one action to take towards achieving high performance